VocalCare.com is the world's first one-stop web shop specializing in vocal care products and treatments for the Singing and Entertainment community and the seasoned traveler.
We invite you to browse our on-line store and investigate our specialist voice sprays including Entertainers Secret, and our equally effective throat and nasal aids and solution brands including Vocalzone.
The majority of our product ranges are exclusively sourced from some of the world's leading specialist pharmaceutical companies who have built high reputations within their markets for innovative herbal and mainly alcohol-free products.
VocalCare.com offers a wide and previously unavailable range of products targeted towards singers and recording artists, actors and entertainers, TV and Radio presenters, telephonists and call centre personnel, lecturers and teachers, frequent travellers and anyone who relies on their voice to function at peak performance.
We hold large stocks, accept a wide range of credit card payment options and ship throughout UK, Europe, the Middle East. We also ship to the USA.
Vocal-Care.com offers you a comprehensive and secure online store for all your vocal and voice care requirements.
Microphone sterilisation using a powerful combination of ...
A low cost, effective sanitiser that kills harmful germs ...
Have you ever wished you could hear your own voice better ...
Limited stock available